Who Are We

In 1733 during a period of evangelistic revival in the American colonies known as the Great Awakening, a group of Scottish and Irish settlers organized and built Duck Creek Presbyterian Church. The site of the original church is located in the eighteenth century church yard now called Holy Hill Cemetery. Early in the nineteenth century, the church was moved to a building closer to the center of the new Town of Smyrna on Mount Vernon Street. (That structure, which subsequently became Centennial United Methodist Church, burned in 1996.)

The present sanctuary on West Commerce Street was built in 1884 in Early English Gothic style out of serpentine (or green) sandstone. The huge oak beams and stained glass windows are original also. the members of the church were avid supporters of the American Revolution. The Reverend John Miller’s sermon, just days before the Declaration of Independence, was taken from 2 Chronicle 10:16: “We have no part in David, nor any inheritance in the son of Jesse, to your tents, O Israel!”

The church has grown with the Town and surrounding community and now serves Presbyterians in southern New Castle County, Smyrna, Clayton, Cheswold, Kenton, Hartly, and the Dover area. We continue to grow and attract new members.

Since September 1996 our Pastor has been the Reverend Dr. John Riley, a retired Air Force officer, and a graduate of Union Theological Seminary in Virginia. John’s wife Kim, daughters Erin and Shannon, and sons Dylan and A.J., are part of our inter-generational church family which attracts people of all ages.

Our music program is led by Vera Mrohs, organist and choir director. Vera is an accomplished musician and music instructor. The old organ pipes from the 1904 organ are disconnected but maintained as a tribute to our church’s rich musical heritage and commitment to music in worship to the glory of God.

Faith and Mission

We adhere to the Reformed Faith as a church of Jesus Chris and accept the historic creeds and confessions of Christianity and the Reformation. Among these are the Nicene Creed, the Apostles’ Creed, the Scots Confession, the Westminster Confession, and the Confession of 1967

We are affiliated withe the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America (PCUSA) and New Castle Presbytery. Our constitution consists of the Book of Confessions and the Book of Order. We are governed by a sessions consisting of twelve elders, both women and men who have been ordained for life to serve the church, but who serve terms of three years as active members of session. The Pastor is moderator of the session. Session also organizes and leads several committees such as Christian Education, Buildings and Property, Worship, Personnel, Stewardship and Finance, Mission and Community Outreach, and Church Growth.

Our church has actively supported mission through the One Great Hour of Sharing, the Samaritan’s Purse, Operation Christmas Child, Presbyterian Frontier Global Fellowship, Shattering Darkness, and the Mission Program of PCUSA at home around the world.

Serving Jesus Christ and His People Since 1733


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